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Portfolio - Sandhill Cranes wintering in the Central Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico


Lift-Off - One of the photographs from the first experience at Bosque del Apache and still a favorite. Taken at the "first" Wetland Roost pond that is no longer filled. Available as a greeting card, 5 x 7, and 8.5 x 11 prints.

In Sync - A pair of sandhill cranes foraging  together. Cranes are monogamous and most bond for life. Available as a greeting card or a print.


In-Flight - Sandhill cranes in route to forage in grain fields for the duration of the daylight hours.  Bosque del Apache. Available as greeting cards

Late Riser - The single eye of the awakening crane is the focal point of this image so the larger format makes for better viewing. Available as  greeting cards & prints.

A Leg to Stand On -  A crane pair having broken out of the icy roost preparing for launch. Available as greeting cards & prints

Dawn Dancing - Sandhill cranes are thought to communicate through posturing. Several distinct postures have been identified.

Available as greeting cards & prints.


A Couples Twilight - Sandhill cranes are monogamous. Breeding pairs usually stay together for life. Available as greeting cards or prints.


Focused Northbound - Part of my blurred motion series of photographs. Shot with a camera panning action and a slow shutter speed. Available as greeting cards & prints.


Under Consideration - A sandhill getting ready to commit to the morning lift-off to forage for the day. Available as a print or a greeting card.


Just a Squabble - Sandhills have several named physical forms of dance communication: "object toss", "wing-spread-hold", and "jump-rake".

Golden Morning - Sandhill cranes awaking from their evening rest in the roost. Bosque del Apache, San Antonio, NM. Available as greeting cards & prints.


Really - Snow goose finds itself left behind and in the midst of Sandhill preflight prep. Available as 5x7 print & greeting card 


First Light - Sandhill cranes roost in shallow water as a group for defense from predators. The exposure time on this photo was two seconds. Available as a greeting cards & prints.


Taking Flight - Sandhill crane departing for feeding grounds, Bosque del Apache. Available as prints & greeting cards


Slow Slumber - An early morning exposure using a slow shutter speed for color and water effect.


Incoming - Sandhill cranes arriving for the evening roost in shallow water. Available as greeting cards or prints


Launched - Another selection from the blurred motion series. Available as greeting cards & prints.


Cruisin' - A more traditional crane in flight photograph. Available as a print or a greeting card.

The Diva.jpg

The Diva - A Sandhill taking care across the ice attempting to gain speed for flight liftoff. Available as a print and greeting card.

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Morning Stroll  - Moving through the roost against a backdrop of snow geese and Canada geese. Available as a greeting card and some small print sizes.


Pre-Dawn Moon - An early morning photo of a setting moon that captures the landscape surrounding the one of the cranes evening roosts. Available as a print and greeting card.


Group Decision - A calendar photo from the New Mexico 2021 effort. This prints beautifully on matte paper. Available as greeting card or in several print sizes. This print beautifully on matte paper.


A Leap of Faith - A successful launch from an iced roost. One of the blurred motion portfolio prints. Shutter speed 1/180. Available as a print and greeting card.


Sleeping Pond Moon - Sandhill cranes at pre-dawn in their night time habitat. Bosque del Apache. Available as prints & greeting cards.


Different View - A momentary capture of the daily lift-off activities and antics of the sandhill cranes during their wintering term. Available as a greeting card.

Speed Skating - The Sandhills typically take a running start to start their flights to the fields, a few will simply leap in the air . Available as greeting cards & prints.


Fast Flight - A blurred motion portfolio print; utilizing a slow shutter speed for blurring the background and wings to help provide a sense of motion. Available as a greeting card.

© T. Jay Caskie - Cause Photography
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