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Portfolio - Landscapes:


South Loop Glade - Fall colors light up with the sky and the setting sun. New Mexico skies are at their most dramatic this time of year. Available as a print or greeting card, (greeting cards with have a different aspect ratio and some cropping will occur.


South Loop Snag -  A popular spot for kestrals , hawks, and ravens to view the valley floor. Bosque del Apache, San Antonio, NM


Morning Meadow - The occasional fog shrouded dawn provides an unearthly view of the Bosque. Bosque del Apache, San Antonio, NM. A favorite available as print or greeting card.


South Loop Marsh - Captured just after the sun has set. This is a two frame panorama of a former wetland that appears to be reverting to a natural high desert landscape.


South Loop Morning Snow: Now a rare occurrence in central New Mexico, snowfall lends yet another layer of beauty to the landscape. Bosque del Apache, San Antonio, NM


Just A Glimpse: The light just before sunrise will often bath the land with a unique glow often difficult to capture in a photograph. Bosque del Apache, San Antonio, NM


Prairie Nights - A single exposure print depicting reclaimed high desert land free of invasive species under a night sky. Prints available on multiple size papers to 17" x 22". Greeting cards will have the image slightly cropped on each of the two sides. Prints are done on semi-gloss (luster) paper. Greeting cards are printed stock with a matte finish.


Marsh Trail West - The entire sky often lights up during the setting sun in the high New Mexico desert. Available as a print (all sizes) and greeting cards.


Bosque Balloon: Ballooning is a part of the Albuquerque, NM culture. Early morning rides are available on a regular basis to view the beauty of the Rio Grande River Valley.


Seasonal Road Field: A late fall view from the South Loop seasonal road, (typically closed by Nov. 1st). Bosque del Apache, San Antonio, NM. This panoramic image will only be available as a canvas print.


Chupadera Stars #2 - A second visit to the  head of the Chupadera Trail. A single exposure nightscape. Available as a greeting card or prints to 17 x 22. A single exposure photograph


Marsh Trail Night - A composite photograph shown here in the greeting card aspect ratio. Prints have an aspect ratio of 5:3 having panoramic look.


South Loop Turn: A winter time view at the Bosque del Apache. San Antonio, NM. Soon to be available as a print suitable in size for traditional framing or as a canvas print.


River Bend Dawn - The Rio Grande river at dawn with morning balloonists in the distance. Available printed on paper up to 17" x 22" and greeting cards.


Oxbow Dawn - The first of four photographs from this location, depicting each season. The San Antonio Oxbow is one of the most picturesque spots in Albuquerque, NM. Prints & cards


Rio Rancho Open Space: Open space trail that follows the Rio Grande River. Sunset and dawn often provide good wildlife sightings. Rio Rancho, NM. This image is currently unavailable for sale.


New Beginning - A frost covered field in recovery from a planned burn to help return areas of the Rio Grande Valley habitat to historical norms. Prints available to 17 x 22" and greeting cards.


South Loop View - Even with traditional skies the landscapes at the Bosque are stunning with the muted tones of fall. Prints available to 17 x 22" and greeting cards.


John P. Taylor Memorial Trail, Bosque del Apache, sunset view - J. P. Taylor Jr. was a biologist whose innovative ideas changed the way we manage our wildlife refuges. Bosque del Apache, San Antonio, NM. Soon to be available as a print suitable in size for traditional framing or as a canvas print.


Marsh Trail Trestle - The dawn sky lends an orange hue to a winter wetland. Bosque del Apache, San Antonio, NM


Marsh Trail North - The Marsh Trail is a pleasant 1.7 mile hike with an optional overlook spur available for the more adventurous.


Canyon Trail Bridge - A single exposure nightscape under a Western night sky. The image aspect ratio is accurately depicted. Greeting cards will be cropped a little on each side. Prints available to 8.5 x 11.


South Loop Snag #2 - Every dawn is different at this spot. Each as beautiful as the last, just different. Bosque del Apache, San Antonio, NM. Prints to 17 x 22 & greeting cards are available.


Oxbow Dawn #4 - A favorite site to take in the sunrise over Albuquerque, NM. #4 is a pre-dawn shot in heart of the winter season. Available as a print and greeting cards.


Textures of Fall - Early fall in the Central Rio Grande Valley. A photograph from the 2021 New Mexico calendar offering. Available in several print sizes and as a greeting card selection.


Marsh Trail South - A hike along the Marsh Trail will bring you to this picturesque meadow. Directly adjacent a wetland this area is home to a number of different species. Prints & cards.


Chupadera Stars - A night sky photograph taken at the Chupadera trailhead located at the Bosque del Apache NWR. Available as a print up to 11 x 17 and as a greeting card.


Oxbow Dawn #2: Summertime view of the San Antonio Oxbow from the Albuquerque, NM Open Space. Prints well large with a clear view of the Albuquerque skyline. Available as prints to 17 x 22" and greeting cards.


Bosque Field Road - An early fall snow still covers the mountains while the trees & foreground field still show some green. Available as a print or greeting card. (the greeting card with have the image edges slightly cropped.


North Loop Dawn - Shooting to the opposite side of the sunset or sunrise can sometimes yield a more dramatic photograph. North Loop Dawn depicts the western sky at sunrise. Bosque del Apache, San Antonio, NM

© T. Jay Caskie - Cause Photography
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